gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-QYXKL8ZRBJ'); What is Monkey Pox virus -MPV?How to spread?Symptoms&Treatment of monkey pox.precaution &way of prevention of monkey pox

What is Monkey Pox virus -MPV?How to spread?Symptoms&Treatment of monkey pox.precaution &way of prevention of monkey pox

 Monkey Pox virus -MPV


It is already spreading to many European countries.



What kind of disease is this?

Fear not. It is not a deadly disease like panic.

1. Monkey pox virus is a viral disease. 

It is caused by a virus.

2. The disease is more common in tropical rainforests and Africa.

3. Symptoms of the virus appear within 5 to 21 days of ingestion.

The disease was first reported in the 1960s in Congo, Africa.

How to spread:

The disease is transmitted from ticks to humans,

It occurs in people who come in contact with animals that carry the disease.


The animals that carry the pathogens are Badar, Rat and other animals.

Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during the tropical rainforests of Central and West Africa, especially in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The risk of human-to-human transmission of the virus is low, but can occur if there is very close contact.


A) First 5--14 days- Fever, headache, muscle aches, physical weakness, swollen lymph nodes or glands.

B) After 14 days the rash starts to appear on any part of the body.

C) After 14 days or so the rash comes out all over the body.


A) No medicine or vaccine has been discovered. 

Usually it just goes away.


B) If it is complicated or severe, the patient should be taken to the hospital on the advice of a specialist

C) After 21 days, the symptoms become normal.

D) However, in children, it can be very deadly and even death. In Africa, 10% of those infected with the disease have died.


Ways of prevention and precautions-

A) This disease should be suspected in case of severe rash and fever in contact with animals.

B) International airports, seaports and land ports should be kept under close watch.

If anyone comes from African countries with such symptoms, he should be kept in quarantine for 2-3 weeks.

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